A round picture of a colourful world map without borders



A picture of a colourful world map without borders

“If you had the world’s attention for one minute, what would be your message?”

Hi, I’m Anne, and on this page I want to collect and share the answers of different people to this question.

Why? Because I feel that what we need most is connection and understanding. Read more in my article “How can we change the world?”

I will also share inspiring and hopeful stories in English and German.

Want to share your own message? Start here!

See all messages and articles.

“Be human!” The story and message of Margot Friedländer

Margot Friedlander is 102 years old and one of the last survivors of the Holocaust. Her message for us is simple yet powerful.

A round picture of a colourful world map without borders
How can we change the world?

Read what this page is about.

Robert’s Message: “Be kind to each other”

Robert, Leipzig, Germany

Anne’s Message: “Listen to others, try to understand who they really are.”

Anne, Berlin, Germany

A smiling man with black hair and beard wearing a green checkered jacket and a backpack
Rustom’s Message: “We’re one big family”

Rustom, London, UK

A round picture of a colourful world map without borders

Let’s connect on Instagram!

art (1) Cooperation (2) empathy (1) family (1) Introspection (1) kindness (1) tolerance (1) understanding (2)